VLS International Public School

A heartfelt thank you to all the parents who have trusted us and entrusted their offspring to us. Upon their entry to the portal of VLS International Public School, we make sure, the child is transformed into a beautiful butterfly in the process of schooling.

Here, with the help of acknowledged quotes, I take pleasure to put forth my thoughts on education with all of you. If all of us pay heed to these precious words of W.B.Yeats, then we have understood what 'Education' is all about. The future embraces those who are curious, creative, team players and problem solvers. Our endeavour is to create such vibrant leaders and thinkers for the 21st Century.

Education is not filling of a bucket, but the lighting of a fire -W.B.Yeats

If all of us pay heed to these precious words of W.B.Yeats, then we have understood what 'Education' is all about. The child who memorizes a lesson and replicates during exam is only proving his ability hold the content in his/her mind for a period of time but when the child lives, experiments and be a part of the lesson, he/she learns a lesson for life. The future embraces those who are curious, creative, team players and problem solvers. Our endeavour is to create such vibrant leaders and thinkers for the 21st Century.

Everyone is genius but if you judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid -Albert Einstein

Every learner has different learning style and learning capacity. As educators, we are blessed with the skill of identifying your child’s special quality and lead him/her to the path, where he/she is destined to be. Have a word with us to know your child better and design a customised life for him/her.

Do not confine your children to your own learning for they were born in another time -Chinese Proverb

This needs a serious thought. Most of the jobs which are existing today, will find no place by 2030 according to the recent survey. Then should we stick to the same old traditional way of teaching and learning which served the purpose then or should we revisit and make necessary changes? At the same time, we should introduce our children to the traditional values, culture and customs which are going a miss in today’s fast pace life.

Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all -Aristotle

This universal saying holds good even for today. At VLSIPS, we have carefully designed the curriculum to train the mind, heart and hands to a fulfilling and enriching lifetime experience. Curricular and co curricular activities are interwoven to meet the need of our core values, vision and mission.

I am sure you all will enjoy the culture of a truly international methodology of teaching and traditional value of India, at our school.
